Voip call rates. Easy option to save on your monthly calling charges right away. Use your mobile phone, fixed line or computer to make cheap international calls and save up to 99% on your monthly charges. No subscriptions needed! Top reasons why VoIP calls drop. April 26, 2017 November 17. The expected message does not arrive “on time” then it is assumed the connection to the far end has failed and the call is ended. It is not uncommon for SIP Session Timers to go wrong resulting in a false positive and the call being dropped. Of course, they should not go wrong. . VoipDiscount Free Calls are subject to a fair usage limit, measured over the last 7 days and per unique IP address. Unused free minutes cannot be taken to the following week(s). If limit is exceeded the normal rates apply. With your FREE DAYS you can call for free to all the destinations listed as free! When dialing from ActionVoip, getting the message 'Call ended ( The call failed due to sound device problems on this computer)' Original Title:I am using Windows 7 Home premium. When I am dialing from ActionVoip I am getting message ' Call ended ( The call failed due to sound device problems on this computer.' Question: Q: 'Call Ended' immediately after dialling number (iPhone 5) When I try to make a phonecall, either by dialling the number or by picking a number from my contact's list, I immediately get 'Call Ended'.
I am trying to access DB2 tables in a java project. I am able to access the tables when I manually added the jar files - db2jcc4.jar and db2jcclicensecisuz.jar. No issues in accessing the tables.But when I try to add these jar files through Maven, they won't add to the project. Com.ibm.db2db2jcc49.7.0.4Error Message - Missing artifact id.Also, the latest db2jcc4.jar files (Version 11.1) are not present in Maven repository. Is there any other place I can access it from?
Missing a license file? How to install and custimize? DB2 JDBC driver is not licensed for connectivity by file db2jcclicensecisuz.jar ERRORCODE=-4472 SQLSTATE=42968. Prepare the IBM DB2 JDBC JAR files to use one of the DB2 Mainframe adapters. We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content.