I have an IC-7100. All of those 45 aurora contacts made on 17 March were made using it.I am asked would I recommend it. Instruction manual is huge, but.1.
It features a 350 mAh Li-ion rechargeable battery and comes with a micro USB charging cable.Whether hooked up with the Magic keyboard or as a stand-alone numerical keypad, the LMP Bluetooth Keypad 2 permits convenient and efficient working with numbers, tables, in spread sheets, etc. It features 23 keys including “=”-sign, operation keys, programmable hot-keys F13 & F14, delete forward/ backward, tab, clear, and enter, and is equipped with a Broadcom Bluetooth 3.0 chipset for best compatibility. The LMP Bluetooth Keypad 2 (WKP-1644) connects to any Bluetooth-enabled Mac and can be attached seamlessly to the Apple Magic keyboard (A1644) with the included connecting bar. Lmp wkp 1644 bluetooth keypad 2 for mac pc.
I just picked up a IC-7100, but am still waiting on Icom's CS-7100 software. Has anyone gone further than the code attached to this thread? I'm very interested in getting this one done since there's no Mac or Linux support for the IC-7100. Updated by Patrick Lang over 4 years ago.
Press the DR button and scroll to find your local repeater.2. Press the TO entry on the touchscreen. Press 'Your Call Sign'. Press the up or down arrows to select 'Unlink Repeater' to cancel any existing link.
Press the PTT switch on your microphone to execute this.3. Press the up or down arrows to chooset a reflector and press the entry select it Press the PTT. You will get a voice confirmation.4, Again press the TO entry and choose 'Use Repeater' and press PTT. You can now communicate with the reflector.5. To unlink, repeat step 2.Note that you can also access the repeater status and echo test functions from the 'Your Call Sign' screens. Icom have released firmware and cloning software upgrades for theIC-7100 HF/VHF/UHF Amateur Radio transceiver.
The new updates provideCI-V commands for antenna control, logging software and RIT for thismodel.Release E4 of the IC-7100 firmware and Ver.