This can reduce files to 15% of their size (2.3M to 345K, in one case) with no obvious degradation of quality. The use of LibreOffice had not occurred to me. MANY THANKS for pointing in that direction. I just reduced a 140MB monster to 6 MB. This was a newsletter with many illustrations. The final result is quite useable on the screen, and will be much easier for the online users to download. The original version (140MB), of course, was sent to the printer for the mailed newsletter.Getting parameters correct for GhostScript is very frustrating.
Glad to see that LibreOffice folks have connected with a good set of tools. Airserver activation code windows.
Open the file that downloads. It will extract a folder onto your desktop named 'ghostscript-xxx.' Open 'Terminal' from Mac's 'Applications' folder.Type 'cd' followed by a space.Drag and drop the 'ghostscript-xxx' folder from the desktop onto the Terminal window. A list of files and commands will appear.Type '%./configure' (no quotes) and hit Enter.Type '% /make' (no quotes) and hit Enter.Type '% /sudo make install' (no quotes) and hit Enter.Restart your computer. Ghostscript is now installed and configured in your 'Applications' folder.
Oct 22, 2019 Mac got it when Quartz used it under the hood to render a bunch of stuff on screen as PDF behind the scenes. Screen shots direct to PDF are fun but kinda useless. Linux had Mac and PC beat in this regard, having had a PDF writer in Ghostscript.