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A lexicometric analysis of the poems from O Guardador de Rebanhos
Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture, vol. 41, no. 1, 2019
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Received: 20 March 2018
Accepted: 13 February 2019
Abstract: This study is guided by a methodology that fits into a research model related to corpus linguistics and it primarily aims at developing a lexicometric analysis of the poems from O guardador de rebanhos, by Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), using a computational resource of lexical analysis, the NooJ software (Silberztein, 2015). Based on the linguistic data provided by NooJ, we begin by presenting the general features that characterise the poems from O guardador de rebanhos, then we analyse the list of theme words, departing from the list of tokens in descending order of frequency. In the last part, we present thematic fields, drawn from the theme words of the corresponding poems. The lexicometric analysis of the poems from The keeper of flocks, by Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), may be seen as an opportunity for didactic operationalisation in secondary education, revealing NooJ as a potential didactic resource and providing evidence of the indisputable contribution of corpus linguistics to teaching.
Keywords: teaching of portuguese, corpus linguistics, nooj, theme words, thematic fields.
Resumo: Este estudo orienta-se por uma metodologia que se enquadra num modelo de investigação relacionado com a linguística de corpus e tem como objetivo central efetuar uma análise lexicométrica dos poemas de O guardador de rebanhos, de Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), usando um recurso computacional de análise lexical, o programa Nooj. Partindo dos dados linguísticos fornecidos pelo Nooj, começamos por apresentar os dados gerais caracterizadores dos poemas de O guardador de rebanhos, depois analisamos a listagem de palavras-tema, partindo da listagem dos tokens por ordem decrescente de frequência. Na última parte, apresentamos campos temáticos, definidos a partir das palavras-tema dos respetivos poemas. A análise lexicométrica dos poemas de O guardador de rebanhos, de Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), constitui uma possibilidade de operacionalização didática no Ensino Secundário, revelando o Nooj como um potencial recurso didático e demonstrando o incontestável contributo da linguística de corpus para o ensino.
Palavras-chave: ensino do português, linguística de corpus, nooj, palavras-tema, campos temáticos.
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IntroductionThis article is made up of three parts and its mainobjective is to present a lexical study of the poems from O guardador de rebanhos(The keeper of flocks), by Alberto Caeiro. O guardador de rebanhos is acollection of poems written by Alberto Caeiro, aheteronym of. The poems were written in 1914 and thewriter Fernando Pessoa traced their genesis to a single night when Caeiro was suffering from insomnia. Fernando Pessoa is the greatest Portuguese poet ofthe 20 th century and his works are translated into many languages, thus beingstudied in many countries outside the lusophoneworld. This is the reason why we have decided to write this text in English, sothat it can be read by a wider community of readers. The currentstudy was undertaken using the portuguese version of O guardador de rebanhos and NooJ, a computerprogramme that performs lexical analysis.
This computational resource enablesthe text to be tackled in portuguese, whereas themajority of the resources that are available relate to an analysis of datawritten in English. NooJ is linguistic developmentenvironment software that, on the one hand, enables formal descriptions(dictionaries and grammar books) of a wide range of natural languages to begenerated and, on the other hand, effectively applies these descriptions tolong texts. The use of NooJ allows us the possibilityto put into practice a diverse range of procedures. Figure 1.NooJ, a computational resource oflexical analysis (Silberztein, 2015).There areanother computer programs of lexicometricanalysis: lexico, stablex, tropes, wordsmith, microconcord,TACT, corpus presenter, intex, lexa,concordance, protan, SALT, text analysis, and so on. AntConc, for example, is a corpus analysis toolkit designedby Laurence Anthony. As the authors ) noted,It isequipped with a Concordance program, word frequency list generators and thetool used for extraction, a keyword function (offering an on-screen list ofcandidates for keywords in a corpus, comparing the study corpus with anothercorpus, at least five times greater - called the reference corpus); thereference corpus was composed of texts extracted from the COCA (ContemporaryCorpus of American English) and the BNC (British National Corpus) corpora,researching the occurrence of the 30 most frequent words in the COCA Corpuswordlist.
The reference corpus has approximately 211,000 tokens, more than fivetimes the size of the study corpus (Sardinha, 2000).The texts originate from diverse domains, academic, news, literature, Internet,and went through the same punctuation cleaning, etc. To integrate the corpus ofresearch ( p. 363, our translation).In the first part, after a definition of lexicometry, brief reference is made to its potentialities and to some of the concepts that it covers, such as keyword, theme word, word frequency counters, taggers, concordancers and concordancies. There is also a brief presentation of the NooJ programme and the definition of thematic field.In the second part, using NooJ, we will carry out a lexicometric analysis, based on the statistical analysis of the theme words, in order to define possible thematic fields in those poems. In light of the above mentioned, we will begin by presenting the general data of the corpus and by organising a list of theme words, departing from the list of tokens in descending order of frequency.
The lexicometric analysis of the poems from The keeper of flocks, by Alberto Caeiro , ends with the presentation of the thematic fields, drawn from the corresponding theme words.In the last part of this work, we will present a pedagogical proposal that explores the potentialities of the lexicometric analysis of the poems from The keeper of flocks. The poem O guardador de rebanhos is studied by secondary school students attending 12 th grade and it is compulsory for all, regardless of the area of study. These are 17- or 18-year-old students. At university level, the poem is studied in curricular units related to literature in degrees in humanities, specifically in letters.LexicometryLexicometry consists of a set of objective, descriptive, inductive and scientific technological methods, which, due to statistical analysis programmes, enable “ formal reorganisations of the vocabulary (set of forms actualised in discourse, attested in a text or in a corpus of texts). The lexicometric study implies an exhaustive survey of ALL occurrences, of ALL the forms of the corpus to be studied” (, p. 225, our translation). Table 1.Generalfeatures of the ‘corpus’.The NooJ programme analysed the tokens and their frequencies.
Table 5.Example of activity –thematic fields in poems from The keeperof flocks.Thekeeper of flocks Final considerationsThe contemporary framework in the process of teaching and learning of Portuguese, in Portugal, requires the development and the availability of didactic resources that may serve as the basis for the demanding and thorough pedagogical practices of the 21 st-century educational conjuncture. Therefore, ‘NooJ’ can be seen as a proposal for a didactic approach, within the scope of the new methodologies inherent to the teaching of languages. Undoubtedly, the didactic potentialities of ‘NooJ’ are almost limitless. Its level of proficiency depends on the teacher’s creativity and on the student’s curiosity. By extracting sequences or linguistic contexts from works recommended by Programmes of portuguese for various levels, the teacher is able to use a didactic approach to certain linguistic concepts (word classes, morphology, among others), in an objective, appealing and motivating way.
Simultaneously, this resource also allows the teacher to acquire the necessary skills to foster within students a critical, self-reflective attitude towards the language, aiming to develop observation competencies and an analysis of the language in a process of discovery of its functioning system.Thus, ‘NooJ’, in an educational setting, sets up a new teaching and learning architecture that the Portuguese language classes should incorporate and operationalise, since it is considered a relevant didactic resource.